Chaitali Banerjee
5 min readApr 15, 2023


BOSNIAN PYRAMIDS:- Mystery Continues Over Their Origins

We have all read and heard about the great Egyptian Pyramids; they have been considered one of the best examples of ancient engineering and technology. The Egyptian Pyramids have both been examples of breathtaking beauty and excellence and also they have continued to baffle modern-day archaeologists, geologists and scientists till today. Similarly, the Pyramids found in Central and South American countries like Peru, Bolivia etc have a grand and majestic presence in the annals of human history. These are also living proof of what human endeavour when mixed with skills and desire can achieve. But wait a moment! Have you ever heard of Pyramids being found in Europe?

Well, today, we are going to talk about Pyramids being found in a small European country. These too have started catching the attention of archaeologists and experts since the time they were discovered in 2005. They are called ‘The Bosnian Pyramids’, as they were discovered in the small town of Visoko in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sam Osmanagich, world-renowned archaeologist, historian and Pyramid- hunter could not believe his eyes when he first laid his eyes on these magnificent Pyramids. These Pyramids, according to him are the world’s oldest Pyramids ever found. He even goes further and claims that these Pyramids are the world’s largest and oldest ‘Step-Pyramids’ and calls them ‘Pyramids of the Moon’. According to Sam Osmanagich, another Pyramid, which sits on the opposite side of the hill, is called the ‘The Pyramid of the Sun’. These Pyramids are estimated to be as high as 720 feet, according to experts. So, according to experts, this also means that the Egyptian Pyramids would look like dwarves in front of them. Also, according to Sam, these Bosnian Pyramids are the world’s oldest Pyramids and are calculated to be around 12,000 years old.

Some historians and experts claim that these would be built at a time when the majority of Europe was covered under a sheet of ice and most of humanity was still unaware of agriculture. The claim that these Pyramids were man-made has been supported by another geologist, Nadja Nukic, who claims that evidence of unnatural gravel has been found in the building of these pyramids. According to Sam Osmanagich, these pyramids were built by the Illyrians, who lived in the Balkan Peninsula, until the Slavic Tribes conquered them about 700 A.D. Furthermore, more evidence has been found that people inhabited this particular region as back as 7,000 years ago.

Interestingly, the town of Visoko has great historical significance. According to some archaeologists, some 24,000 ancient Neolithic artefacts’ were found until recently. Some incredible claims made by Sam Osmanagich have left both the scientific community and the general populace baffled and mystified. According to Mr Osmanagich, there are tunnels beneath these hills known as ‘Ravne Tunnels’ and they are also man-made. Furthermore, he claims that he has discovered “standing waves” at the top of the largest hill; which according to him, travel faster than light and were used for inter-galactic communication.

This is probably the reason that this little unheard town has garnered so much international attention in the last few years. This has also resulted in a steady economic boom for Bosnia-Herzegovina in recent decades. According to some estimates, more than 40,000 people descend to this town to get a glimpse of this magnificent piece of structure.

However, according to some scientific experts, these are not Pyramids at all. Rather, they are a particular type of natural structure found all over the world from Ethiopia to Russia. Furthermore, they also believe that Mr Sam Osmanagich is ardently involved in the research and development of this place as an important archaeological and tourist attraction centre. The Bosnian government has also proclaimed this site to be a heritage site and taken it under its conservation project. Also, Mr Osmanagich promotes this site and is actively involved in excavations and research related to this site.

An interesting fact about the Bosnian Pyramids is that they are oriented towards the ‘Cosmic North’ and are supposed to be 15 times more accurate than the Egyptian Pyramids. Furthermore, according to reports, these Pyramids were built for a myriad of purposes. Some say it was an ancient burial ground; whereas, others believe that it was used as an ancient observatory. Some also claim that it was a doorway for intergalactic communication and travel.

As mentioned earlier, the discovery of such a magnificent site has led to a boom in the tourist industry. You can find lots of shops selling souvenirs, T-shirts, and trinkets related to this site. This is also found ironic for a country that underwent the horrors of war and ethnic cleansing during the 90s. However, notwithstanding the dark chapter, the Bosnian government is said to be actively promoting this site as a major tourist attraction spot; which is helping their economy as well.

Well, whatever the truth may be about the origin of the ‘Bosnian Pyramids’, it surely is still a mystery to the millions of people who visit this ancient site to get a breath-taking glimpse of this magnificent structure.

