Chaitali Banerjee
6 min readDec 8, 2021

The Mystery Behind the Baalbek Megalithic Structure

Sometimes, you know that it is mind-boggling to even understand how these ancient megalithic structures have survived for so long? I mean, the early settlers did not have any modern means of construction technology; neither did they have the brightest minds in architecture and engineering. Still, you can see these brilliantly crafted masterpieces of ancient engineering marvel! Be it ‘The Stonehenge of England’, The Pyramids and Giza of Egypt’, ‘Gate of Gods in Peru’, The Majestic and Breathtaking Ajanta & Ellora of India etc. I mean I have touched upon it in my previous post also that how these ancient and pre-historic human settlers have created these amazing structures, which are both amazing and baffling to modern-day archaeologists, historians, geologists and scientists all across the world. Today we are going to talk about another one of these ancient megalithic marvels: The Megalithic Stones of Baalbek.

As we can normally see and hear that there are some legends and stories that are invariably associated with these sites. Thus making these sites more enigmatic and alluring. Something like this can also be said of Baalbek. According to legend, Nimrod, the ancient ruler of this place is said to have sent giants to build Baalbek. He did this in an act of rebellion against their god Yahweh! He is also believed to have built the Tower of Babel; as a direct sign of revolt and ascend heaven to attack the gods there! Another legend states that Cain, son of Adam, claimed to have built it as a refuge after Yahweh had cursed him. Furthermore, the fortress of Baalbek was believed to be the most ancient monument of all times. Some legends also claim that King Solomon built it using Djinns for Queen Sheba! So you can see that are numerous legends attached to this ancient megalithic monument which makes it all the more mysterious as to its creation and origin.

Let us now discuss its creation as per historical and archaeological reports. According to historical and archaeological records, the land upon which Baalbek sits is more than 9,000 years old. It is also said that early humans settled down there and started farming and became adept at practising sedentary lifestyles around that time. Also, according to historian Dell Upton and the German archaeological expedition team, which has been carrying out archaeological excavations for many years now, this ancient monument, was built by the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians have been believed to be also the builders of ancient Egypt, long before the Pharaohs. They have been believed to build the first ancient temple dedicated to their God Baal. Baal means ‘The God of the Bekaa valley. This ancient god was also known as the god of agriculture, rain, thunder and fertility. The ancient Phoenicians were also known as Canaanites and are said to have built the Carthaginian Civilization, and the city of Carthage. It has also been discovered according to historical records that Greeks had renamed the Baalbek Heliopolis, the “city of Sun”.

Next came the Romans and they have been believed to have built some momentous monuments on the existing structures in Baalbek. The Romans were believed to be perpetual enemies of the empire of Carthage, and had also been said to have sacked the city of Carthage, after the famous “Punic Wars”. So, here also, the Romans said to have built the temples of their gods over the pre-existing Phoenician temples and monuments. For instance, the Romans have said to build ‘The Temple of Jupiter’, over the temple of Baal, after destroying it. Similarly, ‘The Temple of Bacchus’ was also built on other ancient Phoenician pre-existing monuments. The ‘Temple of Jupiter’, is said to be one of the most impressive temples of Baalbek. It is said to measure 88 by 48 metres and stands upon a podium 13 metres above the surrounding terrain. It was also originally believed to have 54 columns, which, unfortunately, have been reduced to barely a few, due to a variety of factors. Though one thing which remained unique during these times was that despite Roman religious imposition, the ancient culture still could exist side by side, and this continued even Christianity came into Lebanon, in 313 A.D. The most unique thing about this ancient megalith is that each of these stones has been believed to weigh around 800 tonnes each! Yet, the construction of these temples and also the question of transporting these stones is still a baffling mystery to archaeologists and historians. Although, according to experts, historians, a lot of human labour was used and something like the ‘human winch’ system was also used to carry these huge stones.

Sitting atop the Bekaa Valley, Baalbek just overwhelms any first time visitor, who is not aware of its deep ancient past. According to Vali Mahlouji, the curator of “Baalbek Archives”, the history of Baalbek should not be downgraded and be remembered only after the Romans came. He believes that only 300 years of Roman rule cannot diminish the significance of the ancient cultural heritage that Bekaa valley proudly possesses. This is the reason he makes it a mission to educate any first-time traveller to Bekaa Valley and Baalbek about its significant historical and cultural heritage and past.

Well, today, visitors from all over the world just visit Baalbek to get a feel of what it must have been to worship in the ancient Temple of Jupiter, and before that, in the Temple of Baal! It is simply overwhelming! Unfortunately, now, political, religious and geographical factors have been trying to ruin the importance of this historic place. Yet, there have been attempts by the government of Lebanon and other international agencies to protect this amazing, beautiful and breath-taking monument, which is the pride of Lebanon.